May 31, 2007

Geekin Gear List

Below is a List of 5 Hot Geek Accessory Apparel that you probably shouldn’t wear in public or admit you bought.

1) RAM Earrings
Yes, ram from your ears that was recycled old ram hand made into jewelry.

2) Diskette Handbag
A whole 17.28 MB of storage attached to a decent sized vinyl hand bag.

3) Einstein Relativity Watch
The numbers rotate instead of the hands, time is relative I suppose.

4) 10 types of people tee shirt
It’s a binary joke, so only your nerd friends will laugh; the rest will just give you a funny look and say I don’t get it.

5) Scrolling LED Belt Buckle
Now you can be a nerd who fits in with southerners. A large belt buckle is like your passport into the south.

the list above is in no particular order

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