November 14, 2007

Power to the Apple Users

As many laptops users must know, having access to an outlet at a moments notice is pretty crucial to a long lived project. At my current campus it seems they forgot this and when they were building the NEW less then a year old building they put hardly any outlets in the commons areas they built. We're talking 20-30 seats to every outlet. That could leave a lot of laptop users SOL and it seems almost every student has one now-a-days.

Onwards to my rant. This very impolite individual came up with her Apple Laptop. If you know nothing about Apple laptops then I'm telling you the power cables have very large ends, and if plugged in improperly can cover the second socket. How dense do you have to be in a public area with other laptop users to cover and waste a socket. I guess it's because Apple users are to busy running their mouths about how great their apple is that they don't have time to have an intelligent thought like "Wow, someone might need that other socket, better be polite and make sure it's open because I know my unit does not generate enough pull to have a need to block the other socket."

But hey, most people will be like "Mindless whining about a laptop about to die," and perhaps it's true but that just rubbed me the wrong way today and it reminds me of how much I am annoyed by rude cell phone users.


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